Rare mammoth tusk sculpture on show for first time in Arctic display: [comments of British Museum curator Amber Lincoln]
Thorpe Vanessa, Торп Ванесса

Rare mammoth tusk sculpture on show for first time in Arctic display: [comments of British Museum curator Amber Lincoln]



Тheguardian.com : [новостной портал]

Rare mammoth tusk sculpture on show for first time in Arctic display : [comments of British Museum curator Amber Lincoln] / Vanessa Thorpe ; photo British Museum // Тheguardian.com : [новостной портал]. - 2020. - 18 октября. Режим доступа: https: // www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/oct/18/rare-mammoth-tusk-sculpture-on-show-for-first-time-in-arctic-display.- [16+].

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