Influence of low temperature on structure and impact strength of structural steels welded joints: [it is an abstract of research article about the relationship between climatic conditions of construction and structural steels welded joints]
Сараев Ю. Н., Голиков Н. И., Максимова Е. М., Сидоров М. М., Saraev Yu. N., Golikov N. I., Maksimova E. M, Sidorov M. M.

Influence of low temperature on structure and impact strength of structural steels welded joints: [it is an abstract of research article about the relationship between climatic conditions of construction and structural steels welded joints]



10.1088/1742-6596/1546/1/012068 : [научные статьи]

Рецензия на научную статью Ю. Н. Сараева, Н. И. Голикова, Е. М. Максимовой, М. М. Сидорова "О воздействии низких температур на структуру и ударопрочность металлоконструкций сварочных соединений"

Influence of low temperature on structure and impact strength of structural steels welded joints : [it is an abstract of research article about the relationship between climatic conditions of construction and structural steels welded joints] / Yu. N. Saraev, N. I. Golikov , E. M. Maksimova, M. M. Sidorov // : [научные статьи]. - 2020. - [без даты]. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 21.02.2023). - [16+]. -

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