Yakutian horses evolved to thrive in extreme conditions[about horses in extra cold conditions, about their nature]
Godwin Barbara , Барбара Годвин

Yakutian horses evolved to thrive in extreme conditions[about horses in extra cold conditions, about their nature]



Horseandriderliving.com : [сайт о лошадях]

О якутских лошадях

Godwin, Barbara .
Yakutian horses evolved to thrive in extreme conditions[about horses in extra cold conditions, about their nature] / Barbara Godwin ; photo Unarov Maxim Vladimirovich // Horseandriderliving.com : [сайт о лошадях]. - 2022. - 9 февраля. Режим доступа: https://www.horseandriderliving.com/articles/yakutians.- [16+]. -

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