Growing tomatoes as the cold hits minus 45C. Impossible? Not in Yakutsk: [with comments of the mayor of Yakutsk Aisen Nikolaev, director general of the Hokkaido Corporation Yukio Temma]
Gertcyk Olga , Герциг Ольга

Growing tomatoes as the cold hits minus 45C. Impossible? Not in Yakutsk: [with comments of the mayor of Yakutsk Aisen Nikolaev, director general of the Hokkaido Corporation Yukio Temma]


2017 : [новостной сайт]

Об овощеводстве в якутские морозы, c комментариями мэра Якутска Айсена Николаева, генерального директора Корпорации Хоккайдо Юкио Темма

Gertcyk, Olga .
Growing tomatoes as the cold hits minus 45C. Impossible? Not in Yakutsk : [with comments of the mayor of Yakutsk Aisen Nikolaev, director general of the Hokkaido Corporation Yukio Temma] / Olga Gertcyk ; photo // : [новостной сайт]. - 2017. - 24 February. URL: [18+]. -

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