Working out polymeric nanocomposites the tribotechnical appointments for the oil and gas equipment

Working out polymeric nanocomposites the tribotechnical appointments for the oil and gas equipment

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политетрафторэтилен; сополимер; нанонаполнитель; структура; износостойкость; коэффициент трения; поверхность трения

Общие и комплексные проблемы технических и прикладных наук и отраслей народного хозяйства / Материаловедение

In the given work perspectives of combined modification of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) by fluoroplastic F-4MB in a combination with nanospinel magnesium for the purpose of reception of new cold-resistant polymeric composite materials the tribotechnical appointments with improved deformation-strength characteristics for the oil and gas equipment is shown.

Okhlopkova, A. A. Working out polymeric nanocomposites the tribotechnical appointments for the oil and gas equipment / A. A. Okhlopkova, P. N. Petrova, O. V. Gogoleva // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2009, N 2. - С. 24.

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