Hydrocarbon solvents on the hexane base for oil organic deposits elimination of the irelyakh gas and oil field

Hydrocarbon solvents on the hexane base for oil organic deposits elimination of the irelyakh gas and oil field

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асфальтосмолопарафиновые отложения; Иреляхское месторождение; растворимость; удаление органических отложений нефти

Химия / Физическая химия

The group composition of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) in the Irelyakh field and their solubility in the composite solvents on the hexane base with the additives consisting of nonionic surface-active substances (NSAS) and concentrates of aromatic hydrocarbons is determined. The results of the investigations show that the additives Neonol AF-9-10 and liquid products of pyrolysis (LPP) are most efficient. The use of these additives allows to increase the efficiency of ARPD breaking and dissolving by 1,3 – 1,6 times as compared with a base solvent. It is shown that the increase in the concentration of individual additives from 0,5 to 3 % causes a decrease in the efficiency of detergent compounds.

Ivanova, I. K. Hydrocarbon solvents on the hexane base for oil organic deposits elimination of the irelyakh gas and oil field / Izabella K. Ivanova, Elena Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 9.

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