Is this Tumat Dog's brother? Another 12,400-year-old puppy carcass is unearthed in the Russian permafrost: [with comments of the рrofessor of the Institute of Medicine of Sakha Republic Darima Garmaeva]
Reilly Rachel, Рэйли Рэйчел

Is this Tumat Dog's brother? Another 12,400-year-old puppy carcass is unearthed in the Russian permafrost: [with comments of the рrofessor of the Institute of Medicine of Sakha Republic Darima Garmaeva]


2015 : [новостной сайт]

О находке в вечной мерзлоте второго щенка эпохи плейстоцен, с комментариями профессора Медицинского института Северо-Восточного федерального университета имени М. К. Аммосова Даримы Гармаевой

Reilly, Rachel.
Is this Tumat Dog's brother? Another 12,400-year-old puppy carcass is unearthed in the Russian permafrost : [with comments of the рrofessor of the Institute of Medicine of Sakha Republic Darima Garmaeva] / Rachel Reilly ; photo The Siberian Times // : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 1 September. URL: [16+]. -

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