Whiskers still bristling after more than 12,000 years in the Siberian cold: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]

Whiskers still bristling after more than 12,000 years in the Siberian cold: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]



Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт]

О найденных пещерных львах, с комментариями заведующего кафедрой изучения мамонтовой фауны Академии наук Республики Саха (Якутия) Альберта Протопопова

Whiskers still bristling after more than 12,000 years in the Siberian cold : [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] / photo Vera Salnitskaya // Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 17 November. URL: https://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0491-whiskers-still-bristling-after-more-than-10000-years-in-the-siberian-cold/ (дата обращения: 12.05.2023). - [18+]. -

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