'World's oldest mummified dog' goes under the knife: 12,400-year-old canine is given post-mortem examination - and it reveals she died in a landslide: [with comments of the Professor of the Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University Darima Garmaeva, the Palaeontology Department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Dr Mietje Germonpre]
Stewart Will, Стюарт Уилл

'World's oldest mummified dog' goes under the knife: 12,400-year-old canine is given post-mortem examination - and it reveals she died in a landslide: [with comments of the Professor of the Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University Darima Garmaeva, the Palaeontology Department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Dr Mietje Germonpre]



Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]

О находке тела мумифицированной собаки 12 400-летней давности в Якутии. С комментариями профессора Медицинского института Северо-Восточного федерального университета Даримы Гармаевой, Митье Жермонпре из отделения палеонтологии Королевского Бельгийского института естественных наук

Stewart, Will.
'World's oldest mummified dog' goes under the knife: 12,400-year-old canine is given post-mortem examination - and it reveals she died in a landslide : [with comments of the Professor of the Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University Darima Garmaeva, the Palaeontology Department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Dr Mietje Germonpre] / Will Stewart // Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 18 June. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3129433/World-s-oldest-mummified-dog-goes-knife-12-400-year-old-canine-given-post-mortem-examination-reveals-died-landslide.html.- [16+]. -

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