Dependence of distribution of the sudden impulse ionospheric currents on IMF orientation during growth periods of the solar wind dynamic pressure

Dependence of distribution of the sudden impulse ionospheric currents on IMF orientation during growth periods of the solar wind dynamic pressure

Статья в сборнике трудов конференций



sudden impulse; geomagnetic characteristics; IMF orientation; внезапный импульс; геомагнитные характеристики; тезисы докладов


Physics of auroral phenomena. – 2003

Dependence of distribution of the sudden impulse ionospheric currents on IMF orientation during growth periods of the solar wind dynamic pressure : [тезисы докладов] / A. V. Moiseyev, S. I. Solovyev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson // Physics of auroral phenomena : 26th annual seminar, 25-28 February 2003 : abstacts. – 2003. – P. 24.

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