Литохимия верхнепалезойско-мезозойских отложений Усть-Оленекской системы складок = Lithochemistry of the upper paleozoic-mesozoic rocks from the Ust'- Olenek fold belt
Статья в журнале
Отечественная геология: научный журнал. – 2011
С. 89-96
Отечественная геология: научный журнал
Новосибирск, издательство СО РАН
Осн. 1933 г.
ВЫходит 6 раз в год
It is established that sedimentary rocks of the Ust'-Olenek fold belt in the northeastern margin of the Siberian platform contain volcanogenic material of varying composition. In Tate Permian time, acid volcanogenic material was supplied into the sedimentary basin. Beginning in the Early Triassic up to the Middle Jurassic, the supplied volcanogenic material was mainly of basic composition (products of Siberian traps eruption). In the Tate Jurassic through the Early Cretaceous (Albian) the material supplied into the sedimentary basin was acid in composition
Васильев, Дмитрий Анатольевич.
Литохимия верхнепалезойско-мезозойских отложений Усть-Оленекской системы складок = Lithochemistry of the upper paleozoic-mesozoic rocks from the Ust'- Olenek fold belt / Д. А. Васильев, Г. В. Ивенсен, А. В. Прокопьев // Отечественная геология. - 2011. - N 5. - С. 89-96.
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