Оценка благосостояния населения Якутии как одного из базовых компонентов качества жизни = Evaluation of Yakutia population’s well-being as one of the basic components of quality of life
Статья в журнале
анализ; благосостояние; интегральный индекс; качество жизни; материальное благосостояние; население; оценка; регион; рейтинг; Якутия; analysis; well-being; integral index of quality of life; quality of life; material well-being; population; assessment; region; rating; Yakutia
Экономика и экономические науки / Воспроизводственная структура экономики. Накопление и потребление. Благосостояние
Бизнес. Образование. Право: [научный журнал]. – 2023. – 1 (62)
С. 78-83
Бизнес. Образование. Право: [научный журнал]
Волгоград, [Волгоградский институт бизнеса]
Основан в 2006 г.
Выходит 4 раза в год
1990-536X (print)
Бизнес. Образование. Право : [научный журнал] / учредители Е. А. Кумейко ; главный редактор Р. В. Калиничева. - Волгоград : [Волгоградский институт бизнеса], 2006-. ISSN 1990-536X (print). - 2023, N 1 (62). - 456 с.
Yakutia, in compared to other regions of the Russian Federation, has a status of territory with rather contradictory assessments of population’s quality of life. Some authors classify Yakutia as one of the regions with the best positions in terms of the most important indicators of the level and population’s quality of life. Other scholars emphasize a high level of inequality and describe Yakutia as a region with signs of social disadvantage. Various methodological approaches based on integral indexes are used to measure quality of life. In this article, we examine the main trends in the well-being of the population of Yakutia as one of the basic components of quality of life We have selected two blocks of indicators characterizing the population’s well-being. The authors’approach to assessing the well-being is formed based on the identified features and problems that have the greatest impact on the quality of life of the population of Yakutia, as well as on the methods developed by S. A. Ayvazyan, A. A. Mitroshin, and, also, on the availability of statistical information. The second block for evaluation of well-being includes the system of indicators proposed and published by S. A. Ayvazyan, M. Yu. Afanasiev and A. V. Kudrov. As a result, a retrospective analysis of the integral index of the population well-being is carried out using two methodological approaches for 2013—2020, and a rating of the region is compiled among 85 constituent entities of Russia. We have identified significant statistical indicators that affect the dynamics of the integral well-being of the population of the region the most. A low level of comfort in living in the region has an undeniable negative impact on well-being of the population of Yakutia.
Постникова, К. Ю. Оценка благосостояния населения Якутии как одного из базовых компонентов качества жизни / К. Ю. Постникова, С. А. Бурнашева, И. Н. Аммосов ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Финансово-экономический институт // Бизнес. Образование. Право. - 2023. - N 1 (62). - С. 78-83. - DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.62.529
DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.62.529
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