Evdokiya Korkina and the great academic explanatory dictionaryof the Yakut language
Евдокия Иннокентьевна Коркина и "Большой академический толковый словарь якутского языка"
Evdokiya Korkina and the great academic explanatory dictionaryof the Yakut language
Статья в журнале
Библиогр.: с. 116 (13 назв.)
якутская лексикография; создание специального сектора; лексикографические кадры; нормативно-регистрирующий тип словаря; семантическая структура словаря; словарный метаязык; lexicography; creation of a special Department (sector); lexicographic experts (personnel); standard-recording type of dictionary; semantic structure of dictionary; verbal folklore examples; dictionary metalanguage
Языкознание / Языки мира / Урало-алтайские языки
Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. – 2017. – N 4 (21) (С. 110-116)
The article is devoted to the role of the Doctor of Philology, Professor E.I. Korkina, who headed the Yakut Institute of Language, Literature and History for 21 years, in the formation of the Yakut lexicography, in the emergence and growth of national experts and researchers in lexicography, as well as her merit in organizing a special Department at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Yakutsk Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She marked the beginning of a long way to create the Great multi-volume academic explanatory dictionary of the Yakut language. The unique features of this dictionary is revealed, as a dictionary of the standard-recording type, which refl ects the semantic features of the language, the structure of the word as much as possible, reveals the meanings of words with the help of all the means of lexicographic science. The vivid examples of compliance with these requirements are the entries written by Evdokiya Innokentyevna Korkina, some of which are presented in this article. E.I. Korkina is not only the organizer of lexicographical work at the Institute, but also made a personal practical contribution to the development of dictionary articles of the last volumes of the Great Explanatory Dictionary. The article gives a brief history of Yakut lexicography, which originated as bilingual and in many ways determined the further development of the Yakut lexicography.
Нелунов, А. Г. Евдокия Иннокентьевна Коркина и "Большой академический толковый словарь якутского языка" / А. Г. Нелунов // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. — 2017. — N 4 (21). — С. 110-116.
- Коркина Евдокия Иннокентьевна > Литература о жизни и деятельности,
- Саха тыла/Якутский язык > Исследования якутского языка. Языковеды,
- Языки народов Якутии > Якутский язык > Исследования якутского языка. Языковеды,
- Языкознание. Филология. Художественная литература > Языкознание и языки. Лингвистика > Якутский (саха),
- iYakutia > Языки народов Якутии > Якутский язык.
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