Баишев Дмитрий Гаврильевич (Baishev Dmitriy Gavrilievich)

Место работы автора, адрес/электронная почта: Институт космофизических исследований и аэрономии им. Ю. Г. Шафера СО РАН ; 677980, г. Якутск, пр. Ленина, 31 ; e-mail: baishev@ikfia.ysn.ru ; https://ikfia.ysn.ru

Ученая степень, ученое звание: канд. физ.-мат. наук

Область научных интересов: Геомагнетизм и высокие слои атмосферы

ID Автора: SPIN-код: 5216-0547, РИНЦ иAuthorID: 64348

Деятельность: С 1986 г. работает в Институте космофизических исследований и аэрономии ЯФ СО АН СССР.

Документы 21 - 30 из 42

Количество страниц: 4 с.

DMSP satellite observations and magnetic measurements at the Yakutsk observatory (φ=62°N, λ=129.6°E, L=3.3) are used to investigate the characteristics of undulations of the equatorward boundary of diffuse aurora and their relationship to the Pc5 magnetic pulsations in the evening sector during two successive magnetic superstorms at the beginning of November 2004. The large-scale undulations were observed by DMSP satellites near Yakutsk (φ~59-62°) at 0924-0932 UT on November 8, 2004 during the storm recovery phase and at~0841 UT on November 10, 2004 during the main phase of storm. They had the wavelength of λ450-500 km and the the amplitude of A~150 km for the first event, and λ~250 km and A~100 km for the second event, respectively. The estimated velocity of westward propagation for undulations during the first event was equal to V~1.4 km/s. The appearance of undulations for both events near Yakutsk was accompanied by geomagnetic Pc5 pulsations with periods of ~4-8 min, registered at the station. The behavior of undulations and fast plasma flows with concurrent Pc5 pulsations is discussed.

Baishev, D. G. Undulations Observed by the DMSP Satellites during Magnetic Superstorms of November 2004 / D. G. Baishev, F. J. Rich // Solar Extreme Events Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects Nor-Amberd, Armenia 26-30 September 2005 : proceedings of the Second International Symposium / edited by A. Chilingarian and G. Karapetyan. − Erevan : Cosmic Ray Division, Alikhanyan Physics Institute, 2006. − P. 100-103.


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Large-amplitude morning Pc5 magnetic pulsations during the main phase of intense magnetic storm were registered at magnetic stations of 190-200° magnetic meridians on January 21-22, 2005. Magnetic pulsations in the Pc5 frequency range observed at the GOES 10, 12 satellites in the noon and evening sectors exhibited a high degree of magnetic compessibility. A Los Alamos particle detector on board geostationary satellite observed the occurrence of energetic particle flux oscillations in the Pc5 band. The Pc5 pulsations were followed with the VLF-emission and riometer absorption modulation with the same period. The regions of maximal amplitude of Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations and deep modulation of riometer absorptions shifted to high latitudes in the same way. Significant and long-lasting compression of magnetosphere led, probably, to moderate pitch-angle diffusion of particle into the loss cone even at the middle latitudes. Analysis of coordinated data allowed us to suggest that a modulation effects of precipitating particles are caused by a compressional waves.

Manifestation of Magnetosphere Fluctuations during the Large Magnetic Storm of January 21-22, 2005 / D. G. Baishev, E. S. Barkova, V. A. Mullayarov, S. N. Samsonov, S. I. Solovyev, K. Yumoto // Solar Extreme Events Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects Nor-Amberd, Armenia 26-30 September 2005 : proceedings of the Second International Symposium / edited by A. Chilingarian and G. Karapetyan. − Erevan : Cosmic Ray Division, Alikhanyan Physics Institute, 2006. − P. 96-99.


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In the present study we investigate the undulations at the equatorial boundary of diffuse aurora and their relationship to the development of magnetic and auroral substorms and excitation of Pc5 magnetic pulsation on January 14, 1999. The observed undulations had wave-length of ~200-300 km and amplitude of ~50-250 km and they propagated westward with the velocity of ~0,7 km/s. It is found that the undulations began ~40 min after the substorm onset and lasted for ~80 min, all the way to the end of the substorm. During both active and recovery phases of the substorm the undulations were accompanied by the enhancement of the DP2 equivalent current system and by the formation of WTS. Concurrently with undulations, there were observed Pc5 magnetic pulsations of an oscillation period roughly equal to the ratio of the undulation wavelength to their propagation velocity. Observations are interpreted in terms of the shear/ballooning instability excitation near the plasmapause and subsequent generation of drift hydromagnetic waves.

Formation of large-scale, "giant" undulations at the equatorial boundary of diffuse aurora and Pc5 magnetic pulsations during the January 14, 1999 magnetic storm / D. G. Baishev, E. S. Barkova, S. I. Solovyev, K. Yumoto, M. J. Engebretson and A. V. Koustov // Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms : 16-20 May 2000 Congress Centre of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. − Noordwijk, Netherlands : European Space Agency, 2000. − P. 427-430.


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By using data treatment results of mid-latitude geomagnetic variations, the significant increase of the local current system intensity with the eastern direction current system, arising near the meridian of expected substorm center ~10-30 min before the break-up onset, has been found. A comparison of longitudinal sizes of two current system, forming the substorm disturbance before and after the onset of the substorm expansion phase, has been carried out. The longitudinal size of the current loop of the substorm growth phase is nearly twice as small as azimuth scale of the substorm current wedge, and the current strength is as week as 2.7-12 times.

Boroyev, R. N. Local increase of field-aligned current intensity before a substorm onset / R. N. Boroyev, V. A. Velichko, D. G. Baishev // Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms : 16-20 May 2000 Congress Centre of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. − Noordwijk, Netherlands : European Space Agency, 2000. − P. 279-282.


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Based on the data of longitudinal chain of midlatitude stations in the northern hemisphere, substorm-associated field-alighned currents (FACs) are examined. A comparison of IMF component variations with surface FAC characteristics in substorm sites is performed. It is shown that the ratio between the upward and downward surface FAC intensities depends on By IMF. In this regard, the conditions are discussed that favor currents flowing from the dayside cusp to nightside auroral region. These currents, which position is dependent on By IMF direction, can be responsible for difference between the upward and downward current-wedge-associated FACs.

Effect of Bγ IMF in substorm current wedge formation / V. A. Velichko, R. N. Boroev, I. Ya. Plotnikov, D. G. Baishev // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 26th annual seminar, 25 - 28 February 2003. – 2003. – P. 45-48.


Количество страниц: 3 с.

Splitting of auroral electrojets: ground-based and satellite data / D. G. Baishev, V. A. Velichko, E. E. Antonova, L. I. Gromova, M. V. Stepanova, R. A. Kovrazhkin, J. M. Bosqued // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 26th annual seminar, 25 - 28 February 2003. – 2003. – P. 9-11.


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Asymmetry in substorm development in the earth's northern and southern hemispheres / V. A. Velichko, R. N. Boroyev, M. G. Gelberg, D. G. Baishev, J. V. Olson, R. J. Morris, K. Yumoto // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 25th annual seminar, Apatity, 26 February – 1 March 2002. – 2002. – P. 33-36.


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Результаты исследования геомагнитных вариаций по данным долготной цепочки среднеширотных станций Северного полушария Земли позволяют рассматривать схемы магнитосферных продольных токов, связанных с развитием суббурь при южном межпланетном магнитном поле. Сопоставляются схемы, различающиеся характеристиками листов продольных токов и локализациями очагов суббурь при противоположно направленных азимутальных компонентах ММП. Обсуждается генерация токов в пограничном слое и полярной ионосфере, при которой токи из области дневного каспа затекают в ночной сектор аврорального овала.

Влияние ММП на локализацию очага суббури / В. А. Величко, Р. Н. Бороев, И. Я. Плотников, Д. Г. Баишев // Труды VI сессии молодых ученых "Волновые процессы в проблеме космической погоды" [15-20 сентября 2003 г.]. - Иркутск : ИСЗФ, 2003. - С. 150-152.


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Возбуждение пульсаций Pc5 в периоды магнитных бурь 29-31 октября и 20-21 ноября 2003 г. и их связь с амплитудной модуляцией ОНЧ-излучения и риометрического поглощения = EXITATION OF Pс5 PULSATIONS DURING THE MAGNETIC STORMS OF OCTOBER 29-31 AND NOVEMBER 20-21 2003, AND THEIR CORRELATION WITH AMPLITUDE MODULATION OF VLF RADIATION AND RIOMETRIC ABSORPTION / С. И. Соловьев, Д. Г. Баишев, Е. С. Баркова, В. А. Муллаяров, С. Н. Самсонов, А. С. Потапов, А. Ду // Солнечно-земная физика = Solar-Terrestrial Physics. – 2005. – Вып. 8 (121) : Труды Международной конференции "Солнечно-земная физика". – С. 169-171.


Количество страниц: 8 с.

Приведены результаты исследования геомагнитного и аврорального отклика до начало магнитной бури 20.XI.2003 г. Установлено, что начало БС привело к уярчению дуги сияний в вечернем секторе в течение ~2-3 мин с продвижением конца дуги на восток со скоростью 10-20 км/с и смещением дуги к полюсу со скоростью ~1.0 км/с. Далее наблюдались кратковременные (~5 мин) броски сияний к полюсу до ~2-4°, посторяющиеся через 5-10 мин в течение ~40 мин, что привело к пространственной модуляции яркости свечения и генерации пульсаций Р8С с подобными периодами колебаний. Расширение сияний к полюсу имело скачкообразный характер - с образованием новых дуг полярнее предыдущих со скоростью ~5 дуг в течение ~1.5 мин. Модуляция яркости свечения и Р8С наблюдались на фоне усиления двухвихревой токовой системы типа БР2 и сопровождались многократными переворотами Вг ММП с юга на север и обратно. Предполагается, что источником Р86 являлась модуляция интенсивности ионосферных токов БР2 в результате вариаций уровня магнитосферной конвекции.

Проявления внезапного начала большой магнитной бури 20 ноября 2003 г. в генерации импульса SС, пульсаций Рsc и пространственной модуляции яркости аврорального свечения / Д. Г. Баишев, Г. В. Борисов, В. А. Величко, С. И. Соловьев, К. Юмото // Космические исследования. – 2004. – Т. 42, N 6. – С. 608–615.