Максимова М. В.
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In archaelogical material of ancient cultures of Yakutia the module equal 11 mm and its half of 5,5 mm was revealed. In searches of his source we have addressed to a traditional metrology. In the present article the new data received after increase of quantity of gauging are resulted. For research the main rules on small-sized measures connected to brushes of hands are taken only. In particular we shall note, that the above mentioned values of modular units correspond to a diameter nail and its half. In whole, it is possible to ascertain, that the most small-sized linear measures (in particular, diameter nal) represent practically constant size. Probably, just for this reason modules of 11 mm and 5,5 mm so frequently come to light at metrological the analysis of ancient products and images.

Максимова, М. В. Антропометрическое исследование в русле якутской традиционной метрологии=Anthropometric research in a channel of the Yakut traditional metrology / М. В. Максимова // Забайкалье в геополитике России : материалы международного симпозиума "Древние культуры Азии и Америки", 26 августа-1 сентября 2003 г., г. Чита. — 2003. — С. 63-65.