Документы 31 - 40 из 48
Khusaynova Gulnira Razifovna

Количество страниц: 14 с.

The relevance of this study is due to insufficient study of the peculiarities of the structure of Tatar romantic dastans. The object of the research is romanic dastans featuring Tahir and Zukhra, and Leyla and Majnun, recorded or rewritten by informants in Tatar communities. The study also analyses other Turkic-language variants as well as medieval literary poems were attracted as background phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to consider the structural features of Tatar romanic dastans. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: the paths and stylistic tools in the Tatar dastans "Tahir and Zuhra" and "Leyla and Majnun" were identified, different variants were compared in terms of their contents and forms. In this article comparative and structural-descriptive research methods were used. The Tatar romanic dastans often use metaphors, epithets, epiphors, hyperbolas, and rhetorical questions. Despite the frequent use of expressive means, folklore variants are inferior to literary versions of these dastans. This is due to the fact that the monuments were simplified, passing from generation to generation.

Khusaynova, G. R. Specifics of the dastan genre structure in variants of “Tahir and Zukhra” and “Leyla and Majnun”: Creative techniques and their forms in Tatar romanic dastans / G. R. Khusaynova ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Вопросы национальных литератур". - 2023. - N 1 (9). - С. 42-55.
DOI: 10.25587/litteraesvfu.2023.11.77.006


Количество страниц: 12 с.

Rheological, structural and oil displacing properties of the solutions of polyacrylamide (PAA) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) are fully investigated in the conditions of abnormally low reservoir temperatures. Physico-chemical processes occurring at a contact of highly mineralized formation water with the polymer solutions of PAA and CMC, which are different in composition, in the pore space of the reservoir are studied. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of hydrodynamic influence on the reservoir in the conditions of the fields of the southwest Yakutia due to the use of displacing compounds on the water-soluble polymer base is established experimentally.

Fyodorova, A. F. Study of possible using the polymer solutions as agents of oil displacement in the fields with abnormally low reservoir temperatures / A. F. Fyodorova, E. Yu. Shitz, A. S. Portnyagin // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 18.


Количество страниц: 10 с.

We have studied the process of artificial methane hydrates obtaining in static conditions from distilled and "secondary" water (prepared by the decomposition of methane hydrate), as well as the additional metal surface using inside of cameras. It was found dependence from the type of the liquid phase and the presence/absence of additional metal surface inside the camera; in the same initial conditions of temperature and pressure, it can be obtained samples with different degrees of transformation of the "water-gas" to hydrate and various crystalline morphology.

Semenov, M. E. Study of the methane hydrates obtaining process in static conditions / M. E. Semenov, E. Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2012, N 5. - С. 466-474.


Количество страниц: 8 с.

The paper considers compatibility of formation water of the Irelyakh gas and oil field of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the highly mineralized solution used as an agent of reservoir pressure maintenance (RPM) with an allowance for factors, which influence solubility of salts, salt effect in particular. Also, possibility of concurrent reactions and specific conditions characteristic of the fields of the southwest Yakutia (by the example of the Irelyakh GOF) have been taken into account. It is shown that with the increase of the time length of wells’ flooding with the liquid for RPM the pore space structure undergoes changes due to its calcination and sulphatization, which causes deterioration of reservoir properties and subsequently can complicate the operation of producing wells and the field in the whole.

Fyodorova, A. F. Study of the processes occurring at interaction of formation water of the irelyakh gof with the highly mineralized agent for reservoir pressure maintenance / A. F. Fyodorova, E. Yu. Shits, A. S. Portnyagin // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2007, N 2. - С. 24.


Количество страниц: 14 с.

Voin, A. M. Talks about science Scientific theories and Unified method for their justification / Alexander Voin, Grigori Tomski // Bulletin de l’Académie Internationale CONCORDE. - 2019. – N 4. – С. 3-15.


Количество страниц: 12 с.

Ноговицын, А. П. Textological analysis of the early editions of A. E. Kulakovsky`s literary texts // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Вопросы национальных литератур". - 2021. - N 1 (01). - С. 41-51.


Количество страниц: 12 с.

This article discusses criteria for comparing the effectiveness of energy resources. It focuses on the interrelationship between the effectiveness of energy resources and movement from one technological stage to another. What emerges is the consistent pattern of change in existing technologies, and increasingly evident is that, at their current stage of development, neither nano- nor biotechnology will lead to an evolution from the current and fifth technological stage to a sixth. Of note is that at present oil remains the key energy resource, which means that in the near future peak oil will force us to confront an unprecedented event in industrial history: energy degradation, which can be viewed as a regressive movement in the existing technological stage.

Sokolov, A. N. The effectiveness of energy resources and successive technological stages / A. N. Sokolov // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2011, N 5. - С. 428-438.


Количество страниц: 4 с.

Корякина, М. И. The history of the education development in Oymyakonsky district (ulus) / М. И. Корякина, С. П. Атласов // Академический вестник Якутской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. – 2021. – N 3 (20). – С. 32-36.


Количество страниц: 8 с.

Роман народного писателя Якутии Н. Е. Мординова-Амма Аччыгыйа ҺВесенняя пораһ создавался в сложное, до сих пор неоднозначно оцениваемое время, речь в нем идет о столь же сложных, противоречивых процессах, происходивших в истории Якутии и всей России в начале XX в. В этом плане спорной выступает и судьба романа, который явился не только выдающимся литературным событием эпохи, но и в значительной степени отражением ее противоречий. Существование двух редакций произведения, степень и направление авторских исправлений и доработок, объем и характер изменений, внесенных во вторую редакцию - все это, несомненно, интересные и актуальные проблемы для научного исследования. В статье рассматривается современная интересная проблема теоретического плана на материале классического романа якутской литературы. В исследовании выбраны методы сопоставительного анализа текстов двух опубликованных вариантов романа. Новизна исследования для якутского литературоведения заключается в уточнении вопросов композиции эпического произведения на основе выявления элементов паратекста и анализа сильных позиций художественного текста как заглавия глав и частей (подглав). В этом плане особый интерес привлекает сравнительное сопоставление текстов двух редакций романа "Весенняя пора".

Egorova, S. I. The poetics of titles in Nikolay Mordinov's novel "Springtime" in the comparative aspect of two editions / S. I. Egorova, V. V. Noeva ; Северо- Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Вопросы национальных литератур". - 2022. - N 4 (08). - С. 88-95.
DOI: 10.25587/litteraesvfu.2022.85.11.009


Количество страниц: 8 с.

The process of the paraffin type asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits dissolution in the alkane base gas condensate, hexane-benzene mixture (HBM) and hexane at 10 and 25°C is investigated. These deposits are formed during oil production in the Irelyakh field. The comparative effectiveness evaluation of studied solvents is performed by the widely used in practice "baskets" method and the results of kinetic studies.

Ivanova, I. K. Use of a kinetic study for the effectiveness evaluation of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) solvents / I. K. Ivanova, E. Yu. Shitz // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2012, N 3. - С. 353-359.