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Издательство: Офсет
Год выпуска: 2011
Количество страниц: 224 с.
Издательство: Дани-Алмас
Год выпуска: 2019
Количество страниц: 392 с.
Количество страниц: 6 с.
The article discusses the methodology of using semiotic teaching technology in biology lessons, based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences asa way to implement a personality-oriented approach to teaching and develop students’ mental abilities, taking into account their individual characteristics and adaptation to new situations.
Данилова, М. П. Использование семиотической технологии обученияна уроках биологии как способа / М. П. Данилова ; АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификации им. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - N 3 (132). - C. 122-127.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
This article discusses the implementation of the republican project "Music for All" in the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia). The author leads readers to the fact that a working teacher must have not only comprehensive knowledge, but also creative ingenuity, that off-site practice-oriented events promote personal growth, motivate continuous self-education, self-improvement, improvement of professional skills, and become an impetus for further creative activity.
Дуткина, Е. П. Универсальные подходы к повышению профессионального мастерства в условиях реализации проекта "Музыка для всех" в Республике Саха (Якутия) / Дуткина Е. П. ; АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификацииим. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024, N 3 (132). - C. 118-121.
Количество страниц: 5 с.
This article describes the mechanisms for implementing the individualization of the educational process
Андросова, Л. Н. Индивидуализация образования в современной школе / Л. Н. Андросова ; АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификации им. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024, N 3 (132). - C. 113-117.
Количество страниц: 6 с.
The modern world is characterized by the pace of rapidly changing events. New technologies, such as cloud, biotechnology, driverless cars, the Internet of things, and so on, are rapidly entering life. All these are the realities of the coming day. The modern economy requires new specialists, which means that approaches to teaching and raising children are changing in general. Schools and families must be prepared for these challenges of our time, to instill such skills that will help children live in a changing world. But at the same time, we must remember that in addition to healthy children, there are children with special educational needs. The role of the family and mother in the social adaptation of a child of this category is of great importance. The article considers the problems of socialization of children with intellectual disabilities, and also touches upon the issues of the occurrence of these disorders. Attention is drawn to the formation of socially significant actions in children with intellectual disabilities. The main goal of the article: to show the dependence of the success of socialization of a child with disabilities on the path "from guardianship to separation" chosen by his mother.
Прокопьева, Л. Н. Роль матери как решающий фактор социальной адаптации детей с ОВЗ: от опёки к функциональной сепарации / Л. Н. Прокопьева, В. М. Егорова ; АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификации им. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024, N 3 (132).- C. 107-112.
Издательство: Медиа-холдинг "Якутия"
Год выпуска: 2015
Количество страниц: 384 с.
Год выпуска: 2024
Количество страниц: 4 с.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the State Final Attestation of 11th-graders of 2024, in particular, in specialized mathematics. The author focuses on the factors that led to the increase in the results of the Unified State Exam. Specific methodological recommendations are proposed based on a thorough analysis of the identified problems and difficulties of students in the learning process, and instructions are given for developing the professional level and improving the methodological competence of subject teachers.
Баишева, М. И. Рекомендации по совершенствованию преподавания математики по итогам ЕГЭ 2024 года профильного уровня / М. И. Баишева ;АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификации им. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024, N 3 (132).- C. 103-106.
Количество страниц: 4 с.
Teaching and education in olonkho pedagogy are aimed at the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, the formation of ethnocultural and civic identity, the preservation and development of the olonkho language as the language of their nation. The process of teaching and education in the native language using different methods in olonkho pedagogy should stimulate children to use the knowledge they have gained in solving practical problems, to analyze, developing their own views.
Ядрихинская, Ф. В. Педагогика олонхо: развитие и воспитание современного школьника / Ф. В. Ядрихинская ; АОУ РС (Я) ДПО "Институт развития образования и повышения квалификации им. С. Н. Донского-II" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024, N 3 (132). - C. 99-102.